Random Boredom

Jun 24, 2009

“You know I’d walk a thousand miles if I could just see you, if I could just hold you… tonight.” It’s such a nice song and I’m currently listening to this now. Good morning to all, it’s another page for my boring life to be exposed. Last night, I was having fun singing the non-stop “LSS” (last song syndrome) of mine which I don’t know the title at all. The lyric that I just keep on looping was “ASH ASH Ashinderella.” LMAO. It’s kind of cute singing that with hand gestures and all.

Anyway, my mom scolded me a bit just now, she gave me P400 yesterday and I didn’t realize that I got only P50 left in my wallet. I was thinking where I spent it. LOL. I just couldn’t stop spending my money if I’m holding bigger amount. I’m like a spending money machine. Imagine if I were given a million on hand, it wouldn’t last for a day and I won’t be able to remember where I spend it. But then if I got smaller amount of money, I’d become very stingy. HAHA!

Oh well, another day to spend my time without him. Its 11:11 A.M. again as I stared at the clock. It has been like this since last year. It’ll go by 10:10, 11:11 or 12:12. Kind of weird to think but hey, I kept on wishing whenever I check or just even look at the clock and it hits 11:11. I don’t purposely wait for that time, just whenever I feel like looking or glancing at the clock, it mostly happens. LOL. Enough with my whimsical fantasy, I’m going to watch a Korean movie now entitled “Going Crazy Waiting”, a comedy romance. I’ll share it with you guys after watching it. ‘til here.

My Monthly Quote

It's pointless to just envy other people's worlds.
I have to change my world myself.

- Sinichi Chiaki,
Nodame Cantabile

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