2NE1 - Clap Your Hands MV has been released!

Sep 8, 2010

Finally, they have already uploaded the Clap your hands MV on youtube. I love their MV! FIERCE as they are! I'm surprised that Dara has a lot of parts from the song now, not that I'm complaining. I absolutely love it. Girl deserves to have more parts too. Bom doesn't get much of a solo shot and I'm sad but I guess it's inevitable since she sings the chorus part and eventually it'll show the entire group. My favorite parts were Minji's solo on the forest kind of setting and Dara's "I wanna rock your body, I wanna make some noise" solo part too. CL and Bom did AWESOME, what can I say? These girls are unstoppable! OH AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE DARA's RED LIPS on the second scene. GORGEOUS!

Uploaded on 2NE1's Official Channel

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It's pointless to just envy other people's worlds.
I have to change my world myself.

- Sinichi Chiaki,
Nodame Cantabile

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