2NE1 Dara - Me2day Updates! [Dec 5, 2009]
Dec 4, 2009
Dara just love taking pictures of the Han River Bridge, no? She did say that it's one of her favorite places there. While looking outside, Sandara Park feels excited for the winter, especially when it's snowing. Pretending that it's already snowing, Dara wants to meet with BlackJacks already. She said "Good morning! Eng? Oing? Shouldn’t it be snowing…? I can see out the window clearly!!! Wah~! Snow~!!!^0^ It’s snowing! Although it’s not the first snow fall of the year, it’s my first time seeing it!ㅋ Still..when I first look at it, I remember the Black Jacksㅋ Come out, and let’s meet Winter~ Best wishes!^.^"
Well then, I'll just meet Dara when I see some fan cams and fan pics surface later on from GD's concert.
Well then, I'll just meet Dara when I see some fan cams and fan pics surface later on from GD's concert.