Big Bang G-Dragon Me2day Updates! [Dec 5, 2009]

Dec 4, 2009

Finally, it's D-DAY for G-Dragon's "Shine a Light" Concert. Seems like it's not only the fans of GD are excited for his concert but GD himself as well. G-Dragon updated his me2day telling to his fans that it's already D-Day and that they'll be seeing all of them later on his concert. He's also hoping that they will have fun there. His message says "It’s finally D DAY!! I’m really excited^^ Catch you later at the concert ∼ Good night★". So, let's also hope that we (those who couldn't attend his concert) could find any fan cams or fan pics later.

Anyways, he updated a photo of a close up pic of a particular cap with a particular text printed on it. He's really into that kind of caps lately, no? I wonder what's written on it. It means SolCon (Solo Concert)Today.

Oh well, Gambatte G-Dragon!

G-Dragon's Me2day + AA-Chan for translations
Cap translation by sjay.x @

My Monthly Quote

It's pointless to just envy other people's worlds.
I have to change my world myself.

- Sinichi Chiaki,
Nodame Cantabile

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