Dara on Family Outing - Ep 72 [Eng SUBS]

Nov 30, 2009

cr: rssubs

Watch the rest of the parts here:

Family Outing - Ep 72 [2/10]
Family Outing - Ep 72 [3/10]
Family Outing - Ep 72 [4/10]
Family Outing - Ep 72 [5/10]
Family Outing - Ep 72 [6/10]
Family Outing - Ep 72 [7/10]
Family Outing - Ep 72 [8/10]
Family Outing - Ep 72 [9/10]
Family Outing - Ep 72 [10/10]

Sorry, my PC is still dead.. T T
Enjoy watching!

My PC is dead again...

He-llo everyone.

I'm going to be on hiatus for now since my PC just died three days ago. There will be no updates from now until I get my PC back. I'm not sure when will my PC be resurrected again. I don't have any dates yet but I'm sure maybe this week, my PC will be back healthy again.

Just a reminder for my fellow APPLERS, please take care of our thread. I'm just checking it whenever I'm in a cafe. Always welcome new members and give them a friendly reminders about the rules. Also, please tell them not to worry about not being on the list yet, I already know who to add so I'll just have to wait 'til my PC is back so I can add them on my pending list. About the Investigation Index, I cannot update it anymore since I cannot add more links to the updated page for the investigations. Just keep the investigations coming and I'll just add em all for the second thread. Thanks for keeping your faith alive for our couple. I may be just silent but I just want to let you guys know, I love you all! (I feel like I'm dying already, no?)

I'll see you soon. I'll promise to update as soon as I get back. I miss youuuuu..

G-Dragon and Sandara Park's Beats Headphones

Nov 26, 2009

Erm. Not really but remember this? But of course, who wouldn't forget G-Dragon's black beats headphones. For those who doesn't know yet; no, it's not brand new. I don't quite remember when exactly he had those, maybe last year 2008 or early this year 2009. Anyway, I do want to have a beats headphones myself but a binbou like me couldn't afford it, obviously. I believe what he has is the Studio [High Definition Powered Isolation Headphones] Beats by Dr. Dre which costs $349.95. It's undeniably expensive, no? Well, at least for me.

Now, why did I include Dara?


G-Dragon and Sandara Park - Final Distance [FANVID]

cr: ryelsi7 aka buffy06

I just had to post this. I'm really sorry because I'm fangirling once again. Lol! This is a special shout out to BUFFY for doing my requested song. Final Distance was my first favorite JPOP song (excluding anime theme songs/ost) and thus Utada Hikaru was my first favorite JPOP singer too. When I get too sentimental I'd always want to listen to her songs. When I was sad during that day where everyone was depressed, I remembered this song and honestly after realizing that the song perfectly fitted the status of my OTP, I felt much better. "I wanna be with you now. One day, even the distance. I'll be able to embrace. We should stay together. After all, I need to be with you" :) I luff you Buffy ~ ♥


2NE1 MAMA Behind Story [Nov 26, 2009]

Nov 25, 2009

cr: sknsub

The girls really worked so hard practicing for the MAMA event. Well, every thing was all worth it. They had an amazing performance that grabbed all the audiences' attention. Sucks that I don't understand a word from this video. Lol. Park sisters love right there, they're really sweet. I wonder what they're talking about at the end, seems like Dara's quite shy saying it. Hah! Well, I guess I could just wait for subs to come out. (winks)

2NE1 - Baskin Robbins Photoshoot

Here are some pictures of 2NE1 from their Baskin Robbins CF! They look so cute, no? Pretty girls in pink!


Don't show it G-Dragon!!

Nov 23, 2009

cr: www.g-dragon.kr

Oh my Gaho! My poor honey almost exposing his... Oh dear! It's a very lovely unpleasant wardrobe malfunction you got there honey. It's okay, it's not that it's showing or anything.. (tsk) Haha! Anyway, I'm just so happy that my honey's hair is finally back to it's darker color. I've been missing it so much already and really glad to see it back again. :P

Congratulations for winning Album of the Year Award on MAMA!
You know I love you baby ~ ♫

2NE1 Dara - Me2day Updates! [Nov 23, 2009]

Dara: The meeting of a star and a fan!! *strange noise*~ Stay by my side~! Kkyak~!!!!^.^

Ahh! Such a cutie! I bet she's reminiscing the times when she was a big Hyori fan way back. Lol

Dara's Me2day + AA-Chan for the translation

2NE1 - Baskin Robbins「X-MAS」New CF (FULL Ver.)

cr: ygsecret2NE1

Haha! I thought this wasn't the full version yet so I ignored it. Lmao. Ohh.. The cute penguins have the most screen time. Lol. They're cute though ~ ♥

Dara on Family Outing - Ep 73 [RAW]

Nov 22, 2009

cr: skn2ne1

Watch the rest of the parts here:

Family Outing - Ep 72 [2/8]
Family Outing - Ep 72 [3/8]
Family Outing - Ep 72 [4/8]
Family Outing - Ep 72 [5/8]
Family Outing - Ep 72 [6/8]
Family Outing - Ep 72 [7/8]
Family Outing - Ep 72 [8/8]

Will update soon with subs...

2NE1 Dara - Me2day Updates! [Nov 21~22, 2009]

Dara: Dara's diary! We were at the broadcasting station today! I really liked seeing 2NE1!!!ㅠㅠ I ran to CL unni and requested a photo with her! I shook hands with CL! Yaho!!! Kkyak!! The actual person! CL is the best!^.^♥ I'm also a little sad because I didn't see Park unniㅠㅋ I’m Sandara Park fanㅋㅋㅋㅋ”


2NE1 21st Street Musical on MAMA [Nov 21, 2009]

Nov 21, 2009

cr: brandoaa2003

Honestly, I don't know when to start. 2NE1 has exceeded my expectation and I was blown away in every part of their performance. When their show started, their intro could already capture every audience. The stage, the musical, the stage act were all interesting to watch. It was an ingenious production! They started it with I don’t care cut the first part then insert their singles (Kiss, You and I, Please don’t go) then the last part of IDC. I swear, I was completely entertained by the whole stage performance that I couldn’t blink my eyes because I don’t want to miss every single detail that they’re going to show there.

Dara’s Kiss – It was the most spectacular stage. Dara did great although her voice sometimes gets overlapped by the MR but she delivered the song quite well. Indeed, she knows how to work her expressions on stage. The Latin dancing at near end was a blast. It was very entertaining to watch because the stage was full of people and the lighting were awesome, not to mention they have a great choreography too but I’m quite sure it was very tiring for Dara that she was catching her breathe right after that. But hell! Drop dead gorgeous and badass chic all in one!

Bom’s You and I – I’ve got admit it, I felt like her performance was the shortest. Why? Because I so want her to perform the full song. I was completely blown away by her performance there. If you’d have to ask me, it’s my most favorite “You and I” performance she’s had. Her vocals were showcased perfectly, I was completely in awe listening to her beautiful voice and props to her she was able to showcase both her vocals and her expressions.

CL and Minji’s “Please don’t go” – This is my most favorite performance there. I’ve got to say, these two are oozing with charisma. They utterly OWNED the stage and captured all the audiences’ attention. Aside from the freshness of the song and completely new to the viewers, they made it far from everyone’s expectation because of their stage presence and their overflowing charisma. I swear, Minji’s vocals are the best and CL’s rapping would totally leave me speechless. These two just gave me non-stop goosebumps while they’re performing. The best duo ever!

It’s really hard for me to explain how ecstatic and proud I am watching their performance! I couldn’t even stop repeating it. IT WAS THE BEST! These girls would never fail to amuse anyone; they will work it, bring it and OWN it! They deserve all those awards, not only 2NE1 but to the rest of the artists that were awarded.


[ 2NE1 Awards ] at Mnet Asian Music Award

2NE1 Female Rookie Of The Year
2NE1 Best Music Video(Fire)
2NE1 Best Song Of The Year(I Don't Care)
2NE1 Music Portal Mnet Award
cr: skn2ne1


Sandara Park and Beyonce Knowles likes Alien Tees

Nov 20, 2009

Beyonce just recently released her new music video "Video Phone" feat. Lady Gaga a few days ago. Of all the outfits that the diva wore on her MV, one familiar shirt was spotted. That's right, no other than the Alien Tee from Gerlan Jeans’ Fall/Winter 2009 collection that Sandara Park wore before during their performance on the Idol Big Show last October 3, 2009.


2NE1 Dara - Me2day Updates! [Nov 21, 2009]

It's very late already, it's like 3:00 AM in KST now. How can you still be up so late Dara? I see Bommie too. Why are you guys still up? You goddesses should sleep already. Tomorrow's going to be an awesome day for you and for us Blackjacks too. MAMA event here we come!

Dara: clapclapclap!!! ^.^ Our babies are doing so well!!! TT TT We just came back from MAMA rehearsals and our babies's stage is just so totally awesome our bodies moved by themselves! ^^ Our babies who went out again for practice.. TT Bommie unnie and Dara unnie are so proud of Cherin-Minki! Kya! Hwaiting!!!♥

The unnies sure are proud at their baddest maknaes! =)


2NE1 Forum Signatures / Banners

He-llo everyone!

It seems like are our girls are quite busy today that Blackjacks are a bit silent lately. Since there aren't any updates today aside from CL and MJ's duet single "Please don't go" and Dara's me2day update where she uploaded a video which shows the preview of their Musical performance for this coming MAMA which will be held tomorrow.

Because I got bored and I'm pretty much ecstatic for tomorrow's event, I had a time to make some 2NE1 goodies today; 2NE1 signatures/banners! Yay! I'm not quite sure if it'll be 'goodies' for you guys though but whatever. I'll still share it with everyone. Hope you guys would like it!

Please do not hot link.


2NE1 Musical Preview for MAMA

cr: weare2ne1

I guess it's all worth it to watch MAMA after all despite all the boycotting issues going on. 2NE1 will be performing I Don't Care Musical Version for tomorrow's MAMA event. But not only that, it seems like the girls will be able to perform their singles too such as Park Bom's "You and I", CL and Minji's "Please don't go" and surprisingly Dara's "Kiss" too.


2NE1 CL & Minji - Please Don't Go Lyrics with English translation

Nov 19, 2009

cr: skn2ne1

Finally, I can sleep now. Translation is up, but just some note; there's a part that it was translated "I gotta say" which was supposed to be "I gotta go" cause I think I heard it like that :) But I'll leave it unchanged because I respect the one who translated it so I don' t want to edit without his/her permission. The song grew on me. Now I'm loving it and it's on repeat already.

Korean Lyrics

This is this is you know this is

너와 마주치면 내 가슴은 롤러코스터 ride
정신없이 흔들리다 결국 제자리로와
up and down (yes) I'm going down (down)
쉬지 않고 매일 돌고돌고도는 우리 사이
헷갈리고 정신없어 let's get down


G-Dragon is a Genie for Vogue Magazine

G-Dragon who has turned into a Genie for this Vogue photoshoot has been attracting a lot of attention.


Taeyang - Wedding Dress (Dance Ver. MV)

cr: skn2ne1

Ah.. Don't you just love him dance? HOTNESS OVERLOAD!

2NE1 CL and Gong MinJi for duet song ‘Please Don’t Go’

Nov 18, 2009

2NE1 CL and Gong MinJi will be releasing a duet song as digital single.

Coming 20th November, they will be revealing the duet ‘Please Don’t Go’. With no special preview about it, this is part of the surprise show which Yang HyunSeok has been talking about on YG’s official site.

The song ‘Please don’t go’ is a dance number with fast hiphop rhythm produced by YG’s main producer Teddy.


TaeYang is envious of 2NE1 members’ Talents

Popular idol group, Big Bang’s TaeYang (born Dong Young-Bae) said that he envies the members of fellow YG idol group, 2NE1!

TaeYang said, “Each member of 2NE1 is uniquely talented, which is enviable.”

Big Bang, which is a member of YG Entertainment, introduced their juniors, girl group 2NE1, with the CF and MV for Cyon’s Lollipop phone. In an interview with “Sol,” for his song, “Wedding Dress,” he mentioned each of the 2NE1 members and praised each for their talents.


Dara's fan message to Hyori way back 2003

Nov 17, 2009

Finally, someone translated it. Since we all have witnessed in Family Outing how Sandara Park revealed that she's a big fan of Lee Hyori way back when she was younger and then blaming Hyori for Dara's short height.

Netizens seem interested about this and took their time on finding Dara's fan message to Hyori's fan cafe way back 2003.


My Monthly Quote

It's pointless to just envy other people's worlds.
I have to change my world myself.

- Sinichi Chiaki,
Nodame Cantabile

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