2NE1 Me2day Dara - YG Crab Family

Jan 12, 2010

Do you still remember this? I think you still do. And look at Dara there, don't she just look so much like her brother Thunder? I even thought that's him the first time I looked at it. Heh. Oh well, our Ssantoki has become a crab today saying "What's up? Long time no see, it's Dara the Soysauce Crab!!! Wow, it became a fashion trend! Heh, I guess it already has been a year… wow… time sure flies right?! Let's all treasure and use the precious time wisely! ^.^ Hope y'all have a nice day~!"

Soysauce crab? I remember someone saying that to her on her cyworld before. You guys know about that? I won't tell. wink wink. Anyhow, do you want to see the rest YG crab family members? Aha! I know you want to. See it below:

Dara's Me2day | Translated by: BK! @ YGLadies.com | itszmaeee @ Soompi for the crab family pic

My Monthly Quote

It's pointless to just envy other people's worlds.
I have to change my world myself.

- Sinichi Chiaki,
Nodame Cantabile

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