2NE1 W Magazine Photo Shoot with subs

Nov 9, 2009

cr: YG21Subs

As 2NE1 being asked if they had another dream, one member's answer got struck to me the most. The other three members' dream were all related in one word; MUSIC but there's this one member who chose HAPPINESS and LOVE.

She said "I want to live with happiness with a lot of my family and friends, taking care of my connections with people I know. It sounds the simplest of all, but I think it's the hardest." I was blown away by her answer. But I do agree, it's the simplest yet it's the hardest. She have went through some tough times and I wouldn't be surprised if she chose happiness with her family and friends over anything else. Aside from her bubbly and funny personality, she is a very deep person.

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My Monthly Quote

It's pointless to just envy other people's worlds.
I have to change my world myself.

- Sinichi Chiaki,
Nodame Cantabile

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